Narrow Band Imaging Processing Work Flow
Magnify to about 300% to get up close to a star with a halo.
Select the Magic Wand tool with a setting of about 10 and continuous selected.
Locate the Magic Wand and left click so that only the star and not the halo is selected. You may have to alter the selection setting to select only the star.
From the menu bar, select Select, Modify, Expand. Enter a setting that results in the increasing the selection so that the halo of the star is included.
Deselect the star, by holding down the “alt” key at the same time you click on the star with the Magic Wand tool. After this only the halo is selected.
Click on foreground box. The Color Picker pop-up box appears.
Locate a portion of the image just outside the halo. Select this color by clicking on it. Select OK on the Color Picker pop-up.
Select Edit, Fill.
From the dialogue box, select Hue and 100%. Click OK.
Select Edit, Fill again. This time select saturation and a quantity of 75%. Select OK.
It may be necessary to alter the saturation % to obtain a pleasing result.
Magnify the image.
Select Image, and then Replace Color.
Select the Eyedropper tool and then select one red star.
Next select the Add to Sample tool. Now select more red stars.
After selecting a number of red stars, adjust the “fuzziness” so that only the red stars and not the nebula are selected.
Reduce the saturation so that the once red colored stars now appear lighter or white.
Color selection, fuzziness, and saturation technique require practice to reduce the number of artifacts that are introduced.
Flatten the image.
Select and copy the image into a new layer.
Rename the new layer Dust and Scratch Layer.
Select noise, Dust and Scratches.
Modify the radius so that dark, light, or colored pixels disappear. I find a radius of 1 or 2 usually works well.
From the Layer Menu, select Add Layer Mask and then Hide All.
On the tools menu, select the little black/white icon to adjust the foreground and background colors to black and white.
If the foreground color is not white, the switch background/foreground icon should be selected.
Select the brush tool with a brush size of about 9 pixels.
At high magnification, find light and dark pixels. On each light/dark pixel, locate the cursor and click. The mis-colored pixels will disappear.
Flatten the image.