Equipment and Software
Optics and Focuser.
- Astro-Physics 155 EDFS f/7.
- Astro-Physics Field Flattener (67PF582 and adaptor A1261).
- Astro-Physics 0.75x Reducer (27TVPH and adaptor A3503).
- Astro-Physics 2x Barcon.
- Borg 77 ED f/6.5 used as a guide scope.
- Astro-Physics Feather Touch Focuser by Starlight Instruments.
- Starizona's MicroTouch Wireless Focusing System.
Camera and Filters.
- Custom
Scientific LRGB filters.
- Custom
Scientific 4.5 nm Ha, SII, and OIII filters.
- SBIG ST402ME Guide Camera.
- Software Bisque Paramount ME.
- Astro-Physics 32" x 10" Portable Pier.
- JMI Wheelie Bars for Astro-Physics Portable Pier.
- Custom Paramount ME mount/pier adaptor.
Computing Hardware.
- Hewlett-Packard
2.2 GHz AMD 64 Laptop with
Windows Media Edition.
- Hewlett-Packard 2.2 GHz AMD 64 Desktop with Windows Media Edition.
- Linksys Wireless Router and Adaptors with SRX 200 for 108 MPS
wireless data transfer rates.
- Software Bisque Paramount ME Suite.
- TheSky6.
- CCDSoft version 5.
- T-Point.
- Ron Wodaski's Automapper II.
- CCDWare.
- CCDSTack.
- CCDAutoPilot version 3.
- PEMPro.
- FocusMax.
- MaximDL version 4.
- AIP4Windows.
- Registar.
- Noise Ninja.
- Adobe Photoshop CS.